Thought Begets Heresy; Heresy Begets Gaming

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Port Maw 2016

David and I went to Port Maw up in San Antonio back in December. Last year we were Imperials, the year prior he was Imperials, I was bugs. This year they were short on traitors so we decided to play Black Legion. As you look back from the future at all the great Chaos releases and how that completely changed the game for Chaos know that this is before that time and we essentially got our asses handed to us. Since we are Narrative Gamers losing meant the Imperium won back Port Maw finally (yay!) but we were totally crushed by some Dark Angels cheese. Ryan was not able to make it due to a last minute business trip to Europe. Having him would have helped. Part of our loss (yes excuses) was trying to control too much against people who knew their lists extremely well (totally to their credit they were a great bunch of guys and we were out matched).

I did not take too many photos but you can see our crushing defeat chronicled in these. On the bright side, our army was painted well (our third player was a long time Nurgle fan-not so much on either painting or know thing rules-also did not help) and Grimlock was the center of attention.

There is a story somewhere in all this mess but just enjoy the cool miniatures; it's easier that way.

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